Forms and Information


Thank You for your interest in this horse registry.

You must be a member of HHRI to register a horse in the Foundation, Healing, or Legacy registries.

Please click here to download Membership Form
( designed to print in "Landscape" mode )

Please click here to download Horse Registration Form

Foundation = the first 100 horses recognized as a coaching or
                        therapy horse

Healing = continues the registry with entry #101

Legacy = those horses no longer on the planet who brought these 
                healing attributes to our attention.

Step 1.   You must be a member of HHRI to register a horse in the Foundation, Healing, or Legacy registries.

Step 2. Click on the links provided to print out the Membership form and the two page Horse Registration Form.

Step 3. Please feel free to contact us with any questions on either form.  We realize that we are looking at different information tahn you may be used to providing. But then, we are a different type of Horse Registry!

What sets the HHRI apart from specific "Breed" registries                 is our intention to gather, document and continue identifying         the healing techniques and abilities of the horse kingdom.

Step 4. Fill out both page one and two of the Registration forms and the membership form completely.

Step 5. If your horse is registered with another registry, please include a copy of that. What we are looking for is to see if there is pattern in healing abilities that may be predominate in a family lineage.

Step 6. Please list the breed, if known, conformational traits, personality, swirl placement, temperament and any other characteristics information you can provide along with the specific healing modalities the horse has performed or is currently performing.  Our goal is to document common factors related to their ability or gifts.

~~ one small picture to include on the certificate. (Approximately 2” X 2”)
~~ two SHORT lines of text that describe why the horse is special to you and which will be entered on the certificate ~ no more than 35 characters per line.  

Please click here to download Membership Form
( designed to print in "Landscape" mode )

Please click here to download Horse Registration Form

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